Small Business OwnersPlease take a few minutes to watch these videos and learn about the valuable advantages they explain. My business is helping people save, grow and protect their money. If you would like to learn more or ask specific questions please let me know by contacting me today.
Buy/Sell FundingIn any business with at least 2 owners under the age of 50, there's almost a 70% probability that one of them will die or become disabled before they retire. If one of your business partners dies or becomes disabled they are still entitled to the same share of your companies. Where will you get the money to buy them out. Watch this video to learn more about how to avoid a potentially catastrophic situation for your business.
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Key PersonMore than 2 million employees between the ages of 25 and 55 die every year and more than 2 million others are permanently disabled. What if your business loses one of the key people most responsible for it's competitive advantage? The effects on the business can be costly and disruptive. Watch this video to learn how Key Person insurance can protect your business from losing one its most important assets.
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Business Equity Transfer401K plans and other types of retirement savings plans discriminate against small business owners because they prevent us from contributing the same percentage of our earnings to our own accounts as our employees can contribute to theirs. Watch this video to learn more.
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Salary ContinuationHow do you get your best people to stay with your company until the retire? The ones responsible for your competitive advantage and profitability of your business. What can you do to keep your most valuable people from being hired away by your competitors? Watch this video to learn more.
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BOE DisabilityAs small business owners or professional practitioners, we are responsible for some or all of the monthly expenses required to keep our office open. But if we experience a serious illness like cancer or a heart attack, will our partners or employees be able to pay this expenses? Watch this video to learn more.
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Voluntary BenefitsAccording to FEMA, 2 in 5 business owners never re-open their doors again after a fire, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, or some other disaster that damages or destroys their buildings equipment or machinery. They fail because they no longer have the cash flow necessary to cover ongoing business expenses and financial obligations. Watch this video to learn how you can protect yourself with business disruption coverage.
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Protect Your Business Profitability & Market ValueIf you own a business of any size . . . watch this short video to learn how you can protect your profitability and market value against the loss of your best people.
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Taxes, Risks & FeesWe all want the money we save for retirement to last as long as we do and provide us with as much income as possible without any risk of running out of money. The money we save in a 401k, 503b, IRA or SEP plan is simply not the best way to grow and protect our retirement savings or provide retirement income for the rest of our lives without running the risk of running out of money. Watch this video to learn about a better solution.
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